We took forever about it, but we have finally moved in to the new place. There were lots of little details like purchasing a kitchen stove and getting propane service and a phone line put in that took a bit of doing, but as of the beginning of October we have been living in the joint! There are plenty of things to still be done, with more being discovered every day, but we are warm and dry and well fed and those are the things that matter. We've been giving ourselves some time and space and not getting too worked up about things because the week that we moved in I went to the doctor to have a lump on my collarbone looked at, the upshot of which is that I've been diagnosed with Stage IIA Hodgkins lymphoma. I started chemo at the beginning of November and am set to have it every two weeks for the next six months. I feel OK, no super awful side effects yet, although I have had my head shaved because it's pretty sure certain that I will be losing my hair. So I'm not busting my chops about anything, although I have two rooms that need tiling and lots of stuff to be put away. Bit by bit things are getting there - we have a lovely "sitting room" in front of our stoveNorbert with the bookcases from Grandma and Grandpa Hedges house and Grandpa's repatriated Foxfire books - thanks, Aunt Bets! The turquoise pig from the Illinois Hoy contingency is presiding over our kitchen, Grandma's gargoyle is stationed outside the front door, and the poppy picture that used to hang in Grandma and Grandpa Hoy's dining room is gracing our guest bath. And Dan just put up the loft bed that Dad and I made for me to take to college - it has been languishing in Mom's basement for lo these many years, awaiting a new place alongside Erin's sunflower bed box in our south "Niece and Nephew"bedroom. And the nasturtium plate collection has been put up. So it is all coming together. Come spring when I am done with chemo we're planning a super duper housewarming extravaganza to show it off, but in the meantime, here's some pics from June through now!