The roof has been Enkadrained and dirted, with much effort by the usual crew plus Uncle Jim and his Cat as well as his work crew. He lifted the dirt up in the bucket of his Cat and we hauled it out of there and spread it. It's been seeded with rye grass that is just coming up and I have oodles of perennials to transplant once the innards of the house are done. This weekend (Memorial Day) we will be painting up a storm and putting in the glass block shower, cabinets, and assorted trim bits. Before we got the roof on I was just so tired and unhappy, but now that that's done we are at the "kind of fun" portion of the house, the prettification stage. And we have hot water again at the farmhouse, which was also taking its toll on our oomph. When you move tons of dirt, you really want a hot shower afterwards. The farmhouse is giving us distinct signs that it's time to get out, but when you consider that it is 110 years old this year, it has stood up remarkably well in spite of several generations of Hoy cobbling. Now if only the wind would stop blowing - I have had horrible dreams about the farmhouse blowing over or falling off its very minimal foundation before we finish the new one.