Slogging away here, literally, since everything is melting. Getting from the farmhouse out to the new house is an exercise in puddle management, but yesterday and today were quite warm and windy, so things are drying up nicely. Sunday and yesterday Dan, Deb and I put in our thermopanes between the beams and got them trimmed. We did have one pane blow out before we had it secured, but otherwise all went well and it adds a lot of light. Mom and I got all the other windows trimmed last week between the window and the box and Sam stained the trim for the box edges on Sunday, so today I'll get that up. The trim we've been using is some rough sawn cedar that Dad had in Warehouse #3. It looks great, appropriately rustic,and smells great too, but the sawdust it makes is so fine it gets into your lungs and makes you all wheezy, so I'll be glad to be done with that. I've been cleaning mortar off the post facings so I can stain those too and stained the concrete in the two bedrooms, one copper and one green. The green bedroom Erin and I are going to paint nasturtiums over top of, like the living room in the farmhouse. The tile in the entryway is in and Thursday I'm probably going to lay tile, the yellow stuff, in the kitchen. So then we just need a wee bit of plumbing and some drywall! And a nap -I'm thinking I may just nap for all of May.