It's so nice to be able to say "I'm going out to the house." instead of "I'm going out to the building site." As of today, we have 1/3 of a wall to go, but as the high today is supposed to be 2 degrees, it's not a good time to mess with mortar. But before weeks end it should be done!! Then we can clean up - I am looking forward to the day when I no longer traipse sand and lime into the farmhouse - and can put up interior walls and floors! It will be nice to go on to something else, although it happens just as we've gotten really good at the cordwood. The northern wall has a tree bottle mural in it which turned out great. Unfortunately the flash on the camera overpowers the light coming through the bottles, so it's not super obvious in pics. The final wall that we're working on has the Big Dipper and Orion done in bottles around the window, although they're not done yet so no pics just yet. You'll just have to come visit to see them properly! As usual, Deb and Mom and Erin and Dave and Matt and Leya must be thanked - they've been dynamos of action.