So... we've got the waterproofing layer down with the help of the Hoy/Pate clan from Illinois. Cousin Tracey, her husband Lowell and their two kids Weston and Casen came up last weekend for work/airshow enjoyment. Saturday we got rained out, but as it was Lauren's birthday it worked out OK. Sunday we stuck down Hydroseal like mad and cut insulation. This week we've got insulation stuck down, with plastic, Enkadrain and dirt to follow and pending approval walls! The roof now must be blinding planes taking off from the airport, as it's a giant aluminum foil covered disc! It's also been wildlife central here - large treefrogs have visited the building, newly hatched snapping turtles have appeared in numbers on the road between the new house and the old, snakes have been seen, sandhill cranes have circled, turkeys have made a ruckus, and someone, an owl or hawk or eagle, ate breakfast on top of our roof insulation and left the innards for us to discover this morning. A charming way to start the day, I must say!!